"The first thing that caught my eye with TerraNu was increased soil health. The soil was noticeably darker and had less compaction, and that enabled our roots to run deeper vertically on the TerraNu side of the field."
Jason Clancy
Port Austin, MI
"This year we applied TerraNu on peas, and it was one of the best pea crops we’ve ever raised. I also ran a trial in my spring wheat, and I saw an average five-bushel/acre yield increase from applying TerraNu."
"I saw improved nutrient uptake with TerraNu, but the biggest thing I saw was improved bushels in the bin. That’s what matters the most to me."
"TerraNu’s balanced nutrition led to increased plant height, earlier emergence, pod set and the overall development of the soybeans was tremendously better. We saw a 12–20 bushel increase with TerraNu on our strip-till soybean trial."
"For any grower looking to add micronutrients into their dry NPK blend, TerraNu is an easy way to do that. The friendliness and ease of the product is good for growers who want to start adding micronutrients to chase yield.”"
"Our tissue analysis showed that TerraNu helped us sustain high nutrient levels at VT, and that led to a 16 bu./acre yield advantage and a $38 ROI/acre. We were quite impressed with that."
"There’s no question in my mind TerraNu is getting our plants started strong and enabling them to finish strong. With TerraNu, our yields are substantially more."
"It’s important that TerraNu has the exact same nutrient analysis in every granule because we only have one shot to get it right."